to be cringe, to be unbased and bluepilled
Person A: Dude this Fred guy is really cringe!
Person B: He do be cha-cher though
by THE BASED MANGUY April 29, 2021
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The most LEDGENDARY pigeon and best war hero of WW1. He flew with one functioning eye and talon and was even shot and saved 194 british soldiers from... british soldiers.
Guy: oh my god I saved a guys life!
Other guy: theres still a pigeon better than you; Cher Ami
by Pigeonboi420 December 12, 2019
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When an incredibly ear bleeding song comes on the radio, and you cannot change it because your mother is the one driving the car.
"My mother was driving us with the radio on, fuck it was cher terror."
by Angela84 October 14, 2007
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Over Rated chav that came forth by pitty in X factor 2010.
I hate cher Lloyd shes can sing or rap.
I know shes an over rated chav!
by yourworstnightmare1234 December 13, 2010
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Cher Lloyd is some rude, cocky, arrogant selfish little mingar contestant on The X Factor 2010.
Girl 1: Did you see Cher Lloyd's audition?
Girl2: yh, she's a right cocky bird aye? :/
Girl 1: omg ikr! :/
by Stylator January 8, 2011
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Generally used in Asian circles to describe an individual who consumes knowledge and information for fun. Usually seen in the library or browsing scholar.google

Originated from the Chinese Characters "Che" and "Wi" which stands for abounding wisdom.
Pete: ""Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."
Steve: "Damn, stop complicating things you're such a Cher Wee.."
by Semaj Shkal March 9, 2022
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The coolest bird that ever lived he saved 194 soldiers that were stuck in battle after two other messenger pidgeons got shot down. Cher Ami was shot down himself but he took those bullets like they were pebbles after losing an eye almost losing a leg and getting shot through the breast he still managed to deliver the message and save the 194 remaining soldiers. He was also gifted to the British from the French
-Bro, Cher Ami was the best gift ever almost made me like the French
by GuyWHoDefines___ February 1, 2022
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