It becomes obvious that one is creeping on an iPhone on Facebook when each of their comments/wall posts/statuses starts with a capital letter - as opposed to a computer where a capital letter where not be used.
tommy: 'love factory' is much nicer than 'brothel'

heckler: Haha yeah

tommy: you're creeping on an iPhone aren't you? hells iPhone-obvious pal.

heckler: No.... Err how'd you know?
by tcfildes April 24, 2010
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One who dons this name is one who confronts falsity with the glaringly patent nature of truth.
CaptObvious battles liberalism on the perspectives forums:

fecklessboy: Opinions are what generate life

CaptObvious: I’m certain science disagrees.
by CaptObvious fan May 28, 2005
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A person who states the evident to the exasperation of others.
You stub your toe on a coffee table and shriek in pain.

Captain Obvious says, "Dude, did that hurt?"

You Reply: "Duh! Captain Obvious!"
by Ms. Jenkins June 10, 2007
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A man with super power to state the obvious.
Thank you Caption Obvious to state the obvious, now SHUT UP!
by Caption Obvious April 20, 2015
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An object that is not really there that you want your freinds(OR FOE) to look at.

Could range to you wanting them to look away so you can do something that you dont want them to see. also you could be trying to Ditch them.

Replaces lame ditching tehniques like ."hey look a dead bird(while pointing up).
Lenny: Hey look, an Obvious Distraction!

Random Guy: OMG, were!!!??!. (looks)

Lenny: Swipes Random Guys lunch and runs.
by Pimpmaster General. March 1, 2010
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i AM Captain Obvious!
*points to himself*
by Keile February 7, 2004
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A name given to anyone who states somthing painfully obvious.
"Gnools says ... war on Iraq has start THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS"

"Gnool says ... Vis is hardcore OMG CAPTAIN OBVIOUS strikes again"
by VisOne March 25, 2003
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