A sexual act in which one dominates their partner with a bowling pin while the recipient chugs a bottle of vodka.
"Man i was smashed after me and my man did the russian bulldozer!"
by Killsmokiestyxx March 17, 2020
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To have anal sex with a woman who has never shaved her butthole. The point is to collect as much feces on your penis, like a bulldozer spitting up mud.
Last night me and my gf did a French bulldozer. Took me two hours to clean my dick and four for her to clean her bedroom.
by Anushandler47 November 20, 2019
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A gigantic gaping pussy, that devours one's dick. A bottom less pussy, that does not give any sexual pleasure.
Danny's pussy is so big i could stick my head in it. She has a bulldozer pussy
by Dixie Crystal January 12, 2017
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The method of eating excessive amounts of overly filling food (pizza, pasta, bread, etc.) in order to push, or "bulldoze" out the existing food already in your stomach.
"Oh, man, I've been constipated for days. Better make my way down to Pizza Hut and hope that the bulldozer effect kicks in."
by thecheesecakewhisperer July 26, 2013
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-when you shit on a girl's chest and then titty fuck her.
Me and this girl I met at the bar went back to my house last night and I gave her the German Bulldozer.
by Hose-b October 21, 2005
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A dump so huge it can't fit around the S-bend of a toilet
Jesus that bulldozer shite took 3 flushes! I'm of to the shops for a new brush.
by RiverdanceMcDisco August 15, 2007
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A sexual act in which the female has her arms and legs ties together with her ass raised up and facing the head board. The male (standing atop the head board) leaps off and dives both fists directly into the female's anus. While still inside, the male rolls onto his back. The female then deep throats him while screaming to the heavens the third book of the Qur'an.
Jake: Dude, I think I'm in love with her.
Bill: Give her an Afghanistan Bulldozer that's what I did with Cindy!
by WarmPeas May 15, 2015
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