A term used in gaming when a player relies 95% on what they can hear.

sound whoring isn't too noticeable in public lobbies, but in clan games or private matches it is easy to spot a sound whore.

Alot of people cry about sound whoring but after all, sound was put in the game for a reason.
player1: wtf was that...

player2: I heard you coming :DDDDD

player1: yea, you obviously would hear me coming with your turtle beach cranked up that high you little sound whore.
by KFClover September 9, 2009
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A woman who lies about everything from her weight to what she did during the day. A whore who spreads her legs or ass for 5 minutes of feeling Needed even though the guys putting their dicks in her arent into her but they only are using her HOLES.A woman how breaks her marraige vows. A woman how thinks its ok to want another woman's man and thinks SEX will help her take it. A woman how lies about things in order to get attention. A woman who actually thinks she can justify her LIES as someone else faults
Several lying whores I have met in life are this whore. But Jennifer Warnick takes the award for lying whore
by I'm Lovin it November 1, 2010
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Someone who displays whoreish behavior.
Such as Mai Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged as she is called a whore biscuit in episode 43.
by Whorebicuit October 4, 2011
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a particular person, usually a female, who is attracted glamor to the extent that he/she goes to some excessive measure to join in with someone else's glamor.
similar to attention whore
A girl I know recently started dating some douche bag douche and promptly posted 53 pictures of her in, on, or around his and his friends very expensive (very much financed) cars.

In 5th grade I had the most expensive yo yo in my class; the day I brought it to school, I had 4 girls, glamor whores, write me notes stating their interest in me.
by Zakats June 18, 2008
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A person who is excessively and compulsively needy of their own space and a level of complete social and workplace isolation that is almost mind boggling to well-adjusted humans.
He had grown up completely alone, practically raised by wolves, and had evolved into a full-blown inattention whore by the ripe age of 18.
by Dr Bunnygirl October 12, 2019
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The apparatus used to fuck easy loose bitches.
I damn near drown her with the juices from my whore pipe
by Foot_Fukin_Master December 2, 2006
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People who ask you for gum as soon as you pull out a piece.
<Jimmy pulls out a stick of gum for himself>

Bob: Yo jimmy, give me a piece!

Jimmy: No dude get your own.

Bill: Yeah give me one too.

Jimmy: Oh my gosh you guys are a bunch of gum whores!
by E.Smith22522 November 3, 2010
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