Do you want it up the arse right to the hilt?
Cormar Do you want it up the arse right to the hilt? Do you like a bit of cormar?
by Floppytodger October 5, 2022
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Me: “Just don’t do it

Friend: “that’s wrong

Me: “don’t-“
by Yo bish June 23, 2019
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A bandana or similar material tied & worn to resemble rag hair restraints used by Black domestics in the Old South. This style do rag has one or two knotted points in front .Original purpose was keeping dirt ,etc from the individuals hair.Now worn for work or style.
Thats a fine looking do rag ! How did you learn to tie it just right? Now let's get to work Johnny.
by BluStarr September 24, 2016
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/gwæn dəʊs/
The parent word of gwan dick. Typically referred to as "the father of gwan dick". Correct way to use the word is by stating "gwan dos, the father of gwan dick". This is used when one is put in a tight situation such as 1v5 clutches or a awkward situation in a group gathering. Similar to the Ancient Greek shouting "In the name of (God)!" or "By the gods!"
*Playing a FPS game*
*All your teammates die*
You: "Gwan dick's father, gwan dos!"

(In a group gathering)
*Someone says something followed by an awkward silence*
"Gwan dos, father of gwan dick."
by DJsan October 3, 2020
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