a bobybuilder who uploads his workouts to youtube. He has series of his workout journey, including his bulk series which spans over 200 episodes of him gaining weight and muscle. He also is working on a cut series where he tries to maintain muscle and lose weight/fat. There are a lot of memes on tiktok/instagram about him right now, particularly sped up videos of him working out.
Me: "Bro did you see Sam Sulek's diet?"
Gymrat: "Yea I'm about to grab some chocolate milk to get like him fr."
by DONKAM1948 September 19, 2023
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Sam saucy is amazing . I love that he is there when I need him . He is nice and the mostttt delicate person . I'm so lucky to meet a person like him
Kazsyney: Sam saucyyy what that ?????

Quaid Sam saucyyy: I'm eating romans
by Don't NOM NOM mee August 27, 2022
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When, during anal sex, your partner fecallates all over your penis, and the rush to pull out subsequently results in said feces spewing all over your chest and onto your partners back.
Dude, I am NEVER having sex with Mike again.


He Sam Brownbacked all over me the last time, and I almost threw up.
by Freedom4None February 12, 2015
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The second album released by The Killers. It is an amazing album with a different sound than Hot Fuss but it is still The Killers. The singles from the album include When You Were Young, Bones, and the newest release Read My Mind. No matter what Rolling Stone Magizine says it is an amazing album!
Bill: Have you heard the song When You Were Young?
Bob: Yes it's on the album Sam's Town by The Killers
Bill: But it's a good song and Rolling Stone magizine said the album was horrible..
Bob: Rolling Stone is full of shit listen to the album and then you will love it
Bill: OK!
by Sony Girl February 15, 2007
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When someone has Sam luck, it means they have the worst luck of all time. They dropped the ice cream cone, Sam luck. They lost all their earnings at the casino, Sam luck.
Person 1: Hey man nice day at the casino am I right?
Person 2: Yea, I am betting all my earnings!
Person 1: Oh shit I hope you don't get Sam luck and lose it all!
by Zoopers October 21, 2020
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A toucan sam is somebody who says that they're straight, but acts suspiciously fruity (LGBTQIA+).

*Toucan Sam is the mascot for fruity pebbles, which is where we derive the euphemism from.
Guy a : idk man, Ricky Montgomery is so hot. Id date him if I was gay.
Guy b: sounds a little fruity, Toucan Sam
by frog-bean March 11, 2021
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A phrase in which one describes a man named Sam and how much he sucks.
by Daegon1O November 4, 2013
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