A flavor of Maruchan Ramen noodles that was discontinued in the early 2000's due to a "lack of sales" while other flavors that still collect dust on shelves to this day somehow stay in circulation
Bro 1: "Remember that ice cream you told me about? I was looking for it at the store and couldn't find it."
Bro 2: "Yeah, it's probably just out of stock. It's bomb af, so I'm not surprised."
Bro 1: "Naw bro. I mean like there wasn't even a spot for it on the shelves."
Bro 2: "ON MY LIFE DUDE. I swear, if those assholes pull some Tomato Ramen type shit, I'M GOING TO LOSE MY FUCKING MIND."
Bro 1: "Relax bro."
by |P|R|Y|M|E| August 27, 2021
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When a group of people gather around for a meal of tomatoes. Eating intensively and have orgasmic feelings towards it you don't want to stop. The feeling u get when having sex is equal to a tomatoe fest.

Bro do u feel orgasmic
No it's just a tomatoe fest
Orgasmic feelings going in and out of your body leaving the smell of a tomatoe fest
by The love nugget March 3, 2015
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A girl/guy whoms face gets very red and gets salty over the nickname salty tomato
Dang that girl is a salty tomato
by Cupcake hoe May 29, 2017
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When your friend decides to do cartwheels after having one too many glasses of wine and her breasts and butt and shake all directions.
by Jean_Cocteau July 20, 2023
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When your friend decides to do cartwheels after having one too many glasses of wine and her breasts and butt and shake in all directions.
Hahaha, look at the tomatoes on that one.

Cackles the Sicilian-American friend.
by Jean_Cocteau July 20, 2023
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pullin the tomato outta your whopper and when ur finished eatin the burger wrappin the tomato up in the wrapper. u then take this tomato thing and smack sum1 in the face with it.
that faggot stole my fry. bitch is about to catch a tomato smack.
by JDMx420 April 10, 2010
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To repeatedly tell the same story when drunk.
When your mate repeatedly tells you the same story over and over again whilst drunk, forgetting he's ever told you in the first place.

"Stop tomato bhajiing Jimmy"
"I don't like onion bhaji's I get tomato bhaji from Morrisons"...5 minutes later "I don't like onion bhaji's I get tomato bhaji from Morrisons"...another 5 minutes later "I don't like onion bhaji's I get tomato bhaji from Morrisons"...pattern continues throughout night until taxi arives to take offender home.
by Darren Webster July 18, 2007
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