A herd/clan of students that tend to be extremely lazy, slacking on homework and peer pressuring themselves into not doing the work but somehow able to exceed other students. GT standing for Gifted and Talented, the label given to them when they were actually consistent in doing homework. Many of the GT Nerds have strange disorders, such as ShawnDeClaude, or Randomosis. All extremely devious in their own ways with the ablility to get away with not doing homework and sexy dancing in the middle of class. All in all, extremely sexy.

Nerd 1: Did you do your math last night?
Nerd 2: No, I was playing with my eyeball.
Nerd 1: Haha, me either, I was busy giving a bug CPR.
Nerd 2: Yeah, we are such GT Nerds.
by Aphira529 March 11, 2009
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Used by The Legend @thecubancrusher on Tiktok as an Intro To All His Videos.
Berio: "Sup Nerds, So today im going to Talk about how Jason's Bigass Forehead is big enough to fit the fatass, Ned Leeds"
by Rogue_4TW October 18, 2021
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1. The act of presenting someone, often a mathematician/physicist with a time consuming problem or challenge (often impossible to solve or complete) in the hopes of it appealing to a person's obsessive tendencies.

2. Doing the thing above in a situation where the obsession may lead to bodily harm (in the original context on the middle of a road where they will get inevitably run-over by a truck).
1. The XKCD comic "Click and Drag" nerd sniped me! I never expected it to take so long to explore.

2. There's a certain type of brain that is easily disabled. If you show it an interesting problem it involuntarily drops everything else. This lead me to the development of a new sport: Nerd Sniping.
by willisbell September 23, 2012
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Unlike what other definitions here are saying, nerdjocks don't necessarily need to be neither smarter than their peers nor physically superior. A nerdjock is simply someone who is both a nerd and a jock - that is obsessed with both nerdy topics like school, maths, comics, etc and physical activities like gym, running, football, rugby, etc.

Also contrary to what the other answers have you believe, a lot of nerdjocks actually struggle to fit in in any social group not only because they feel out of place in both nerd and jock groups, but also because a lot of them are just plain odd.
Jock: hey, you know John? Apparently he hangs out with some nerds, eugh, let's leave him to his business with the nerds!
Nerds: hey, you know John? Apparently he is just a jock only hanging out with us to feel smarter about himself. Let's leave him to his business with the jocks!
John, the nerd jock:🤷 ♂️
by Jacques Hayeilliheaulds August 27, 2019
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This updated version of the classic nerd comes equipped with an appreciation for music, fine art, and food. While not losing touch with his nerd heritage, the hip nerd is more socially accepted and able to matriculate into mainstream society by combining a love of technology with witty conversation and self-deprecating humor. Often underestimated in high school and college, the hip nerd often rises to the top rungs of society, winning the hearts of otherwise unobtainable women.
Examples of a hip nerd include Peter Gibbons, Chuck Bartowski, Robert Stephens
by streamingair September 29, 2007
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Photography is your life. Photo Nerds eat, drink, sleep, dream and think about photography every day. Its the feeling of falling In love. Photography makes you feel alive, Passionate, obsessed, with a burning desire in your soul to create images to help express yourself with a camera.
Check out those three photo nerds, they probably have five cameras each around there necks!!

Photo Nerds UNITE!

I love my photography to the extreme!!! Just call me a Photo Nerd!

My art, love, life, is photography.
by Photo.Nerd.Rinard April 30, 2011
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