girl one: is that lexi?
girl two: egg.
by EGGGHH September 1, 2023
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Lexi is a very pretty girl. She will grab any guy's attention. She is very good at art and singing. She sometimes tries too hard to be popular, but she has many friends. She can be a fake friend to some people though, and she minipulates the ones that ARE fake. She has a open heart and is willing to help, or be friends with anyone. She is very sensitive and she cries A LOT. She somehow find a way to get anything she wants.
by Lmalley July 14, 2019
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A f*cking cheater and scummbag, She is a great friend, an awful girlfriend NEVER ASK HER OUT or she will cheat on you (Comes from personal experience)
Person 1: Hey I like Lexi
Person 2: Start praying you don't anymore
by call me 734-510-1602 October 13, 2022
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If you see a Lexi try to stay as close as possible bc they are the skinnyist nicest bossyist people ever that's all I have to say.
Boy;that girl is hot
girl;that must be a Lexi.
by bluebutterfly_Love May 4, 2022
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lexi is a biyotch
gal: do u know who lexi is
someone: no why
gal: i dont like her

someone: same
by lex is the best October 26, 2020
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Oh Lexi, where do I start? Lexi is someone who gives, not expecting anything in return. I'm not just talking physically. She always makes you feel better, and is surprised when you make her feel better. Even when she is sad, she wants to make you happy. Lexi is beautiful with medium length brown hair and kind brown eyes. She always has a smile on her face. She is a great singer, even if she's a little shy while doing it. But that's about the only time she's shy. If someone's mean to you, she's not afraid to speak up. She's basically the best friend you could ever ask for, even if she gets emotional at times. Keep her. Just do it. I promise you won't regret it.
Omg Bean, did you actually write a whole post just about Lexi?
Yea girl, I love you Lex
by Memebeech_;p1234 November 26, 2019
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Lexi is the most gorgeous girl but doesn't believe she is. She is insecure about her body, and worries about how people look at her. She is full of love. she is understanding, funny, and caring. She has been threw alot. she knows alot of good advice and on top of that she is usually right. She is kind but can easily be upset. One way that works when she is mad is call her by her first name and YOUR last name but only do that if you are her boyfriend. She likes to feel important and be told she is beautiful when she thinks it's not true. She is great in bed once you get her there. She has a beautiful smile but hates it. She likes to party and have a good time. She can be shy but when she knows you she will love you and make you happy. She is a very good cuddle buddy. Once you have a Lexi never let her go because she may not come back.
Person: Who’s that?

Lexi’s boyfriend: That’s my beautiful, loving, and best girlfriend anyone could ever have.
by RAWWRPotato April 27, 2021
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