When you tip a ketchup bottle and it just instantly pours out, That's ketchup diarrhea.
by Pitchy June 19, 2015
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The explosive diarrhea pours out my bootyhole😍🦶👹👹
My explosive diarrhea is so nice to take a spoon and eat it right out of the toilet.
by yass_queen April 17, 2022
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When your shit comes out in the solid, liquid and gas state all at the same time at high velocity.
Dude: can you get me some toilet paper, Had thai yesterday now I've painted the stall brown.

Dude2: you're kidding

Dude: I'm not, I've been in here for three hours with explosive diarrhea.
by Onepump man August 18, 2020
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When you have to go number 2 and it turns out to be number 3 or more and it splatters inside and outside the toilet.
Every time Candy goes to the bathroom lately she has had explosive diarrhea.
by Manuel59manuel September 7, 2020
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A form of Diarrhea that burns like fire, often due to excessive wiping necessitated by frequent gastrointestinal distress, spicy foods which leave behind residue on the sensitive tissue of the anus, or food processing too quickly through the digestive system and thus the stomach acid not being neutralized like it normally would and acid being present on the anus (with a severe burning sensation similar to acid reflex disease, or heartburn). Often times a combination of factors and the fact that excess human excrement and excess acid from the stomach normally found in diarrhea burn the anus area, and makes it feel as if it's being eaten away and disintegrated by acid. Also accompanied by "sharts", especially minor one's that only leak out a small amount but create the similar burning sensation.

Whatever the case, it burns like fucking hell.
I just had a really severe case of acid diarrhea... shouldn't eaten that fourth burrito...

Oh god dave, my colon and anus are burning like fire! I think I 've got a severe case of acid Diarrhea

Oh God, it feels like my colon is being disintegrated and eaten away by acid... oh God, it really is! Too much stomach acid! Agghhhh!
by TheRealMCrapper August 4, 2017
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A phenomenon in which 1 or more people go on a spree of unintentionally telling really bad jokes or implementing poor humor into their conversation within a period of time.
Guy 1: What does a nosey pepper do?
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: It get's jalapeno business

Guy 2: That is possibly the shittiest joke you have told within the last 10 minutes.
Guy 3: Yeah. You must be having joke diarrhea.
by A Fucking Pinecone August 3, 2016
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The act of cumming profusely because of some hot shit
Damn shawty don’t come around here w all that ass you gon make me diarrhea cum.”
by t.ri.stan February 1, 2022
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