The one person that will stand by you, no matter what. They will help you with your problems and give you the advice you need, even if it isn't what you want to hear. They will put you first and make time for you when you need them. They will always have your back when you need it but won't hesitate to tell you when you're wrong.

No matter how long you are apart you can pick up right where you left off with them.
Jay has always been there for me even when he's had all kinds of other stuff going on. He's a "real friend".

Beth has never been a "real friend" but I never thought she would betray me like that.
by becka86 October 24, 2013
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when a famous model, is absolutely blind when it comes to love.
he loves a girl with his heart and soul, but keeps on calling her "just a friend"
alya: yo adrien! what do you think of marinette?
adrien, who's practically doodling hearts with the name 'marinette': marinette? yeah, she's just a friend!
alya: oooooohhh boy...
by ladybvg May 12, 2019
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1. A friend box is the cage you are placed into when you really like someone, but they want to be "just friends". When you have an unrequited love then you are in a friend box.

2. You can also use the term to descibe wanting to be "just friends" with someone.

background: the term friend box was extensively used in the web comic "Dog & Cat" by Tom McHenry during February 2006.
1. guy1: "I've been her friend for six years now, every time she needs a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to, or a lift home... i'm always there! why won't she love me?"
guy2: "You can never escape the friend box! never!"

2. guy1: "that girl is so into you, doesn't she get annoying?"
guy2: "not any more, she's been friendboxed, and she knows it."
guy1: *shakes head* "you're such a friend boxer"

by BenDog April 1, 2006
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a friend that’s ready to get checked out of life
i’m a barcode friend.”
by angelduhh November 12, 2021
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Special friends who have summer homes on the beach that you can call when you're in your 50s and freaking out about something you did when you were 14.
When she was "panickingChristine called her beach friends who urged her to call newspapers or her congresswoman.
by Fast Tracker October 4, 2018
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Someone you talk to that you really don't care about.
my side friend was annoying to talk to
by tbonehuber November 2, 2010
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These r people u have known for the longest time and just stab u in the back. They will shoot u if they get the chance and completely betray.
My fake friends just dated the boy that I like.
by yourbestie August 21, 2018
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