To betty means to make a "BFD" out of something that is an "NBFD".
Donald chose to betty his fiancée by accusing her of stealing his rubber duckie when all she did was hide it to make him grow the fuck up!
by Sage-grandma June 17, 2022
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Your rural uncle Dave's *favorite* cow
Uncle Dave: Ole' Betty and I were up til' dawn doin' the dirty deeds if you know what I mean
by Viktor Kramnik November 29, 2020
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expression used to explain the feeling of having a super dry mouth after smoking pot.
derivate from the Italian word "Betoniera" which stands for cement mixer.
Minchia raga c'ho una Betty!"
by nastyboi April 11, 2018
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An unhealthy amount of Kpop in their life, like so much that they probably have it in their DNA.
that bih love kpop! she a betty ong

u right gang she love dis man named leeknow

yuh she def a betty
by theyfwme June 11, 2023
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A word used to insult a male on their masculinity or who is upset over a comment made.
by TheSlanger February 19, 2022
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Wet af
To be wet
I made that woman so Betty last night.
When I seen him I was so Bettied
by Harely1 August 27, 2021
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The Hottest and nicest and funniest human on the planet, Bettys so nice and amazing you'll always wanna be her friend no matter what happens even if your ex gets mad at her for wearing bettys scrunchie which is stupid youll still be friends.
Dang Bettys so nice I wanna be her friend.
by SkrtSkrt on the BertBert May 29, 2019
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