The greatest pro wrestler in sports history
Wow the greatest wrestler in sports history is Carson Drake
by DrakeCB November 23, 2021
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The greatest pro wrestler in sports history
Wow the greatest wrestler in sports history is Carson Drake
by DrakeCB November 23, 2021
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The fucking coolest person of all time. He is perfect and great at everything he does. He usually hangs out with weird people, but that’s just because he is such a great person and if he wanted to he could hang out with anyone but chooses not too. Everyone loves Drake Keraus
Hey have you met Drake Keraus?

Yeah he’s so fucking cool
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Act of grooming a young girl below 18 by a grown man.
Joe: I've been talking to this girl for a while now and things are going pretty well
Ross: how old is she
Joe: she's 16
Ross:eww man you're Draking her
by TOR007 November 10, 2021
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The act of pouring hot sauce in a condom after you used it, before you dispose of prevent a woman from impregnating herself with it.
Did you hear about the insta girl who got a draked and is now suing Drake for her burning Hooch? lol she got burned, literally! She accused him of draking her with franks red hot.
by T bones bartender January 11, 2022
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Being a male and hitting on someone that you know is a lesbian.
Guy 1: Dude, stop draking her.
Guy 2: She could be bisexual for all we know.
by LossFlight November 19, 2021
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