vegas slays all the time. vegas is the baddest bitch you will meet. vegas has the best gf ever and will be w her foreveršŸ˜. vegas shits talk ppl she doesnā€™t like bc itā€™s funny duhhh. vegas is the best person in the whole wide world šŸ˜ˆ

vegas:youā€™re a slut nut
by suckmy7689 August 7, 2022
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Vega is another name for God. The Lord of the entire universe
by Jeremy Kin September 6, 2021
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A person that is gay, a femboy, mentally disabled or someone who can't stop masterbaiting to anime girls. You would normally find them in multiple places like a orphanage, fatherless households or special education programs. People are still trying to find a Vegas who does match any of these characteristics and that there probably isn't.
Person 1: "Hey have you seen that kid from special ed".
Person 2: "You mean vegas, I think he's in that room".
by wanker6713 May 3, 2022
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Sheā€™s the funniest girl you will meet, she is also super sweet, loyal,smart and gorgeous, her name is as rare as her personality which is so unique
by Yassssssssbitch January 8, 2019
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The most annoying person you will ever meet in person. Many may call her a bitch or just a very disrespectful person. You deside.
Femboy:"I think Janet vega is a bitch."
Sex slave:"I think she's disrespectful."
by Alejandrom504 April 10, 2019
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When an orgy of men fuck in a van, usually dressed as fruit.
"Hey man want to forget me in vegas now?"
"Yeah, lets get the others and go to the van."
by Atem January 8, 2012
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