The best ottb (off the track thoroughbred) to ever be owned by a black equestrian.
Real one: You ever heard of Injaazaat Inti Yevgeny Murphy ?
Girl: No, what’s that ?
Real one: only the best horse to ever live !
by finnnn.2nns August 1, 2023
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a stereo type name for a person who sudduces young girls by plying them with drink and drugs and then having sex with them while they are half consious and making out he is some cool dood while people with common sense think he is a wanker .
low life alcoholic drug dealing cunt , mad guitar murphy .
by locks heath renegade master November 27, 2010
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"The better something tastes and/or the more filling it is, the worse it is for you." (Well, duhhh...!) Similar to when you are given a spoonful of medicinal syrup and it tastes absolutely terrible, and so you figure that it MUST be good for you. (And of course, that may indeed be true sometimes, but I wonder if a lot of times it's merely somewhat of a placebo effect --- your body just hurries up and gets well so that it doesn't hafta stomach the tortures of gagging down any more of that horrid bitter/sour elixir!)
I love rich sumptuous foods like burgers and fries, but my hippie-guru doctor put me on a diet of yucky-tasting bean sprouts and tofu --- talk about a classic case of Murphy's Law of Food-Flavor!
by QuacksO September 5, 2019
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"No matter how many times that you and a smoker change places/locations while spending time together outdoors, the breeze is always gonna switch around and waft the tobacco-fumes directly past your face."
I absolutely totally love my new middle-aged lady-friend, but we both go absolutely crazy trying to avoid bothering me with the smoke whenever she needs a cigarette while we're going for a rowboat-ride or woods-trail hike --- sounds like a classic case of "Murphy's Law of Cigarette Smoke"!
by QuacksO August 2, 2018
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A dude who should really go to mizzou. Like for real. Go there.
Hey Gunnar Murphy! Go to mizzou. Go to mizzou. Go to mizzou.
by Nightfyl September 19, 2023
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