The act of performing vaginal sex after anal sex, which caused the penis to be covered in fecal matter. Similar to the Golden Plough.
Dude, I was Butt fucking my girl last night when she asked me to stick it her pussy instead. I pulled it out and saw it was covered in crap but stuck it in anyway, totally gave her the muddy plough.
by TheFish July 20, 2012
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a rim job whilst the recipient is suffering from a case of extreme diarrhea
last night I hooked up with melissa and she gave me a muddy kiss
by tombull360 September 1, 2021
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I left for work and was dismayed to find a Muddy Rain on my cars windshield.
by Farrush21 October 1, 2021
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Jeremy: Where do you want me to put it?
John: Down my Muddy Backroad...
by PrepucioFetido July 20, 2022
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The act of tucking your package back and in between your legs, right after successfully dropping a deuce and failing to wipe away the remaining poop. This is a more disgusting variation of "The Goat", a move made popular by the cast if the movie "Waiting".
Oh man, Brett just dropped the muddy goat on me when I walked into the bathroom
by the stanky leg April 6, 2009
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While attempting the Dirty Sanchez, you unknowningly fill your finger full of poo, leaving mud all over your unsuspecting partners lip.
I should have known better than to attempt the Dirty Sanchez after a cheap dinner. She was pissed, to say the lest with her Muddy Marquez!
by FranDiggidy April 16, 2018
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It is the resulting solution when the lube and fecal residue mixes during anal.
Dude this girl and I tried anal last night. She didn’t rinse before hand, I used so much lube and we ended up with muddy butter everywhere!
by CalamityJen November 9, 2019
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