What elder tongue-cluckers claim to feel anytime they hear of a lot of da hot chicks in their area being "free with their crotches" when approached by tongue-lolling young studs with raging boners.
Anytime I hear of a much-publicized "wide-spread panic" among da churchy grandparents and older aunts/uncles in a given area, I just roll my eyes and figger dat said eyebrow-raisers are either merely jealous dat they themselves aren't "getting any" at da time, and/or they are forgetting how they themselves often did da very same thing when THEY were these younger folks' age!
by QuacksO May 12, 2022
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When a guy gets nervous that his girl’s period is on verge of happening. And he knows she has very harsh mood swings. You dead, bro.
Bro, why you sweatin’? You period panicking?
by Master Rob Sauce August 30, 2022
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The feeling of panic you experience when you hit the Enter button and realise you've made a mistake in the tax form.
Even though I was certain all the figures were correct, I experienced a rush of e-panic when I submitted the form.
by Ruerzi July 10, 2011
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That moment when dad shows up and the lines are still all out, the k is still on the table, and your girlfriend is fishing out.
We saw the fireball and everyone came out in a wook panic.
by Aeschel December 1, 2019
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Usually something you’d do at the disco.
Girl 1: “Ew? Did you bring us to a ZOO? for our second date? I’m gunna Panic! I wouldn’t be caught dead in this place.”
Boy 1: “Well then leave, and close the goddamn door.”
Girl 1: “You must be mad as hatter, WERE OUTSIDE THERES NO DOOR!”
Boy 1: “Well Lyings The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off.”
Girl 1: “What.”
by panicmeethepress September 26, 2022
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It's like bi panic but for pansexuals.
Person 1: Who would you date, Loki, Bucky, or Natasha?
Me: *PANic because I would choose all* ummm...
by IwishToHelpTheOtherPans August 1, 2021
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