A group of five people who fight crime in their pijamas.
Over the years the group went from 5 people to about 57, always having only two girls.
They are known for flying 1386 meters with every hit they take, including bombs, to which they always survive.
The blue one was always unarguably the coolest.
A Power Ranger is a Ninja wanna be, although in the inside he is a pussy with awesome stunts. Because if you think, he would fight only one at the time, using an armour, aka, a pijama.
Again, only the blue one was a real ninja.
"Yesterday a burglar broke into my house with me still in my pijamas. I was able to fight him. I felt such a Power Ranger."
by iammarian August 24, 2017
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Mom who can't let go, maintains a Stalin-like rule upon all things that have exited from her womb.
Going underground, my mom has gone all Womb Ranger on me and is screening my texts.
by Julie the Wife March 13, 2012
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When you tie someone to a tree in the middle of a forest and after "wrecking" them, you burn down the tree starting a forest fire.
by ranger rick101 June 21, 2017
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Elizebeth is a complete bush ranger because of her hair
by t[sdc April 7, 2022
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The crew of all crews. This crew is weakened when one of their members is not present, the crew consists of 5 men forming one brain. The rangers were formed in the early 2000 and have only been defeated by one man, the crew killer aka Tommy.
Do you guys want to go out for a drink ? Or do you need to consult with the rangers before committing

I don't know how to get steve out maybe he won't come out because he is only the leg of the rangers squad.
by CoolGuy38 January 8, 2019
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Is the best football team in the world. Anyone would be friends with a rangers supporter.
Person 1- “hey, what football team to you support”

Person 2- “ hey, I support rangers what about you”

Person 1- “omg me too”

Person 2- “ there just the best, we should be friends”
by January 2, 2021
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