Fake virus to cover something up
He said he had a virus on his phone I think it’s a BS virus. He only says it when he’s hiding stuff and tries to lie his way out
by Bs babe June 25, 2020
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1. Someone so dramatic, they leave the feeling of drama in the room when they storm out; they make most people in the room either stressful or dramatic, like a disease.
2. The drama disease itself mentioned in definition 1.
1. That ratchett is such a drama virus!
2. I'd tell you, but it would spread the drama virus.
by fab_william1729 January 4, 2017
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When you start using emoji's excessively And act like a bitch thinking So called hot girl summer is going to get you some where
by inglet June 5, 2021
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When a virus sneaks into your body and causes you to get sick.
Sorry I was gone, I got a casper virus
by Phillip J Hoffman March 11, 2020
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When someone who has a chode touches one another, and it spreads to the next guy witch now he has a chode
Johnny: Oh my god I have a chode?!!
Mike: don’t touch me I’ll get the chode virus,,
by TheUrbanTales September 24, 2020
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If someone with a chode touches you, you have the “chode virus” and your sick will be the size of a 1x1 logo piece.
Damn Ryer you have the chode virus
by TheUrbanTales September 22, 2020
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