A town that smells like poop
I once drove through dexter, Michigan Neils hometown and an overwhelming smell of poop completely engulfed my car.... it was so strong i called Neil, my friend, to complain and he admitted that yeah its like that sometimes... what a hillbilly,
by Achenson August 27, 2023
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A small town of stuck up white people who pretend to be better than everyone else, which they probably are, and the small city is mostly mistaken for Rockwood, Michigan because they share a zipcode
I live in the stuck up small town of Gibraltar, Michigan, but you probably don't know where that is.
by katiedids19 March 30, 2018
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A synonym of a powerful gender. The ugly type of genders... You know, the guy/girl/thing who constantly touchas his spaghett. He loves making doodles of transgender men, weird weddings and women with no cleavage, just a large giraffe neck. WILD BOAR!1!111!! He knows da wae, because he is filled with ebola. MWAH! MAGNIFCO! Fest(misprononsiation of fasttttttttt)(This is a complete mess..)
He's such a Michigan Dogan!
Michigan Dogan ur vry hairy!
Roses are red,
Michigan Dogan is hairy,
He touches his spaghett
And calls it Mary.
by ShaSaRazmaJa2002 March 8, 2018
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Sexual Position Involving 2 people roleplaying their idea of what Cowboys from Michigan would do.
Have you tried the Michigan Cowboy with your new GF? It’s so much fun.
by Michigan Man Handler March 27, 2022
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when a man is receiving oral and sneezes, causing the blower to be startled and accidentally bite down
hey bro did jessica blow you last night ?

yeah but i got a michigan muncher

shit man
by 69 savage June 7, 2017
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A former scheduling system at the University of Michigan, where classes scheduled to start on the hour actually started at :10 past. A source of much confusion.

Now, just a fancy, outdated way of saying "10 minutes late," with the implication that you've lived in the hellhole that is Ann Arbor for a while.
When Sally missed her flight by 10 minutes, she realized that the real world did not run on Michigan time.
by DontCallMeLateForDinner March 22, 2022
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