The best restaurant in Gig Harbor there are 2 other locations millcreek and snohomish. it has a lot of very attractive people working there and has an awesome menu
"dude you wanna go to the Blazing Onion in Gig Harbor"
"hell yeah I love the mushroom melt"
by robbie robman April 28, 2010
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One who consumes copious amounts of pot.
Scenario: In a rush, already late to class.

Will: "let me take one more dab before we leave"

Sam: "no you fucking blaze dragon!"
by DownSouthHan February 13, 2014
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Someone who smokes all your pot.
I hated living with that guy. He was such a blaze dragon, an ounce wouldn’t last me a week if he was around.
by Adamius December 1, 2021
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Savage, harder than everyone ever expected. Solid, misunderstood but underrated. | Ready to shoot a nigga in the face. | Baby K Gang
"Lil Blaze the hardest rapper out Atlanta!"
by Big Blizzy November 24, 2021
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An expression for being really fucking high
“Have you smoked yet?”
Yeah man, I’m blazing balls right now.”
by W5W6 January 12, 2023
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When you use a leaf blower to shoot a shit at someone and they try to hit it with their nut
Dude this girl last night came up to me and wanted to do a Blazing Tornado Marksman and i said ok whatever
by GumptionateShaboingboing February 21, 2023
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