An imposter gay who attempts to lure his prey in closer with the wafting smell of a thousand dirty dick ghosts by slowly spreading his legs to expose his loose, gaping asshole that is thirsty for another meal. He ends up donkey punching you, stealing your cash and going on a meth binge. Silly little redneck, meth is for white trash.
I'm tempted to meet up with this dude from but I'm nervous he'll be a westy.
by GaysianAmbassador January 9, 2016
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The hottest guy you'll ever meet. He has a massive penis at least 8" and is super nice and caring.
That Westy gets so many girls. H
by Menfucker420 December 20, 2017
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made in reference to people from west belfast mainly roman catholic, non working, hoodie wearing car stealers, also have the tendency to break into houses and be out innocently? walking to the shop to get milk when police viciously assault them with a baton. Of a lower social standing than romany gypsies. Generally white trash of belfast.

Most cars stolen in northern ireland are dumped or burnt out in west belfast
man goes out to find his car stolen from his driveway.

"those westies have been on the go"
"those westie bastards have nicked my motor"
by pc hammerhead November 5, 2009
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A person who thinks they are solid af but they are in reality they can't even finish a can of cider, also know as a light weight
Girl 1: so how much did he drink

Girl 2: none he was a westy
by Tom mouland December 18, 2016
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the term used to describe a boy or man that lies or deceives girls or women to love them with a passion that is stronger than steel or iron. Then uses them for pleasure or sexual favours. In the end he dumps or "forgets" about the girl, causing her to be in emotional pain for a while. If confronted he will lie and say "we drifted" or "it was a joke". They will never be friends with any possible relationship ever.
I chucked a Westy, and i got so much off her. Then I dumped her and she was cut. But i dont mind i got what i wanted.
by lonelygirl13 February 14, 2010
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Shit, dogg, that roller coaster was HELLA westy. dammmnnn.
by pmskillsusall August 4, 2005
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Westy is another way to describe those kind of people that look as if there skin has dried up and fallen off / aka : Crusty Skin..
: looks @ girl with way too much makeup on : ... " oh easy westy your face is falling off " ..

: See's Dandruff : - Oh Easy = Westy !
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