wc to my basement!
by XnakerEyes September 12, 2019
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A WC is a nickname for white people. It means White colonizer
Person 1: "Girl did you see that white gir--"

Person 2: "Shhh you're going to sound racist."

Person 1: " Oh okay girl did you see that WC the other day? She thought she was all that with her pebble breasted havin' ass.
by Tiffany_Knows October 11, 2018
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Adjective, short for world class, used to describe something of highest order. Pronounced wik
This plate of salad was wc
by bblador December 20, 2020
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You: "Thx for helping with that report"

Co-worker: "ur wc"
by FindThoseAnswers July 9, 2022
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'who care' but in faster way. This word could be WC toilet. But WC?
P1: hey! i just got this lv 49 gun!
P2: wc?
by testerman2314 November 2, 2018
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*game chat* guy 1: youre such a bitch
guy 2: what?
guy 1: wc wc
by tuhp February 23, 2021
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Stands for welcome on text , short way of saying welcome is to abbreviate the “wel” and the “come” with W and C.
Thank you for the cookies!”
“WC! :)”
by Poop and pee.org February 8, 2022
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