1. Another word for a festy vagina.
2. The opposite of a giny.
"If you don't shave, wash, wax and maintain personal hygeine of your giny, you will end up with a festy vag".
by Vag hater May 8, 2008
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Slur for "VEGAN." Combination of fag and vegan
UGH, those fucking vags are handing out their tranny vegan shit again.
by RT Rybak February 24, 2005
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1. someone who is attracted to someone of the same gender
2. someone who wants to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender
loose leanne is a vag, she wants to eat out angie
by samtina December 19, 2005
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Wiggs, anything pertaining to the actions of Wiggs, or a Vagina.
Well wax my vag and call me Wiggs.
by SuCKsTobEUWigGs May 14, 2004
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Vag is a word with many uses and meanings. It can be used to express a large number (see 1). It can be a offensive adjetive for a term (see 2). It can also be used as a name (see 3).
Vag can be used any time anywhere. It rules.
1. "Whoa, she got 35483943 vagillion times fatter"
2. "You're such a vaggin asshole"
3. "Jesus Vaggin Christ"
by System Desist September 21, 2004
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to bail out on something that is fundamentally more awesome than the alternative, exclusively because your girlfriend isn't into it.
Dudes, you know normally I'd totally be down for a cross-country road trip but Lauren is allergic to car air fresheners. I hate to vag, but I think we're just gonna watch Season 3 of the L Word instead.
by vageen October 14, 2009
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