if your too prestigious to just say, "True" and you want to sound like your from the 17th century this is true may be the phrase for you. It means the same things as just saying "true" but takes more time and words.
Friend 1: You sound like you're from the 17th century
Friend 2: this is true.
by The juicy juice March 18, 2019
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A way of telling someone that what he/she is saying is true and that he/she is right, in order to stylishly tell the person to shut up. Other phrases like "You're right", "You have a point", "That's the correct answer" can also be said.
Dude 1: (answers a question with a long answer)

Dude 2: it's true
by The_Created_Creator September 26, 2013
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A word commonly used as a synonym for cool at Bear Creek Secondary School; Barrie, Ontario.
Student 1: I have to use the bathroom.
Student 2: True.

Student 1: I fucking hate that 'true' fad going around.
Student 2: True.
by AGurlLykeYew January 11, 2012
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A common expression which can act as a response to a plethora of questions or statements.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Going to the ball game with my family."

"What was the math homework?"
"Page Eight Evens."
"Oh, true."

"That girl is so damn goofy!"
by MistyDowns January 23, 2009
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To make a statement in a conversation that you want or expect the other person should agree with , or a way to say you are right
“Here’s the way we’re going to do this, true?

"That's the best pumpkin pie you've ever had, true?
by PebblesJ April 6, 2017
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A category for Metal music that is deeply underground, who's members are very averse to the commerciallity of the worlds music scene. A person who has a taste for this music would be regarded as true.
"That's not true metal"-e.g. Metallicas St.Anger album.
"Listen to true metal, like Darkthrone".
"You are true enough to drink with us".
by Shane Turner/Daniel Lowndes August 5, 2003
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means the same thing as for real, for serious, etc.

from the Fall Out Boy song "Fame < Infamy"
"And you pull my hips so close I lose it for true"
by sz7 August 18, 2007
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