the coolest type of hobby to have, wether you perform or just watch! Also, it's not just for nerds...I mean, kinda, however, you can both like rock, sports, reading in the corner of a library, and STILL love musical theater!
Non-cool person: "so you like musical theater, do ya? What are you, gaaay?"

Cool person: "yeah, I'm both gay, a musical theater nerd, aaaand about to kick your uncool ass."
by Phandom member October 27, 2016
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Probably the only band in the history who can write 30+ minute songs that people will actually listen to.
Guy: "Dude, are you done listening to that Dream Theater song yet?"

Dream Theater Fan: "No, I'm only 25 minutes in."

Guy: "!!!"
by Cats in Hats & Hats in Cats December 23, 2010
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An amazing Progressive metal band, whom have been going for over 20 years. Not a mainstream band, therefore not very popular or even wellknown to the present public, but kicking ass. Each member proves to be a god at their instrumental talent.
Me - Lo, Do you like Dream Theater?
Person - Dream Who?
Me - Nevermind...
by Rich Seeley iPhoenix August 15, 2005
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The multichannel audio equipment in the home which is used in conjuction with video to present a theater or live concert-like experience in the home.
He has a huge big screen with a killer home theater sound system.
by CindyB August 12, 2005
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Putting forward the illusion of success, rather than putting effort into actually succeeding.

(Invented by Diller.)
Dave's facebook feed is just success theater.
by toasted-bread November 28, 2016
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A place to go when wanting to watch movies slightly before they come to stores, to watch on a bigger screen or to spend money on popcorn
Hey Bill! Wanna go to the Movie Theater?
by RandomLoser123 January 5, 2021
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What you call a person in high school or Jr high who is the best in a theater group, but gets cast in terrible roles because of an obvious dislike from the director.
Sanjaya: So Flotus, I heard about you being the chorus in the high school musical. I sorry, dude.

Flotus: DOnt worry. Every one knows that I'm the theater tree so I don't mind much.
by Nonyo Binness May 18, 2007
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