The one not wearing the green tunic
"Look how cute Zelda is in his green dress!"

"We can't be friends anymore"
by Hamburglurer June 20, 2017
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1. Possibly the only somewhat-normal female name starting with a Z.

2. A Nintendo owned characted that acts out the typical damsel in distress stereotype in the game series carrying her name. Sadly, it becomes Link's job to save her in every version of the game. A Later game (smash brothers melee) gives her some credit in which she can use her insanely weak magic (which has been boosted for fairness' sake) and her fucked up ability to transform into a guy in ugly clothing and to bend in unimaginable ways to kick the asses of other characters in said game.

3. A controlling abusive female that must be rescued from evil psycho maniacs (that want to destroy the world even though they live there too) and, upon being rescued, refuses sexual rewards to her liberator.
1. Zelda laughed at Zahina because her name is friggin stupid.

2. Link's job is to rescue Princess Zelda, although there is no garauntee of payment or reward for his services.

3. Don't go after that zelda! She'll only make you miserable!
by Quackalishus March 22, 2004
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She's a nice girl who is beautiful and has an amazing personality. She loves her friends, even if they can be a little too much sometimes. She's usually mature for her age and has good grades in school. When she walks into the room her smile lights it up with her amazing fun and loving attitude. She can be shy or get embarrassed but is not afraid to speak their minds and agree their opinion. You can easily understand how she is feeling by looking at her facial expression, and is always there if you need someone not talk to or keep your secrets.
Zelda is a girl from the ledgends of zelda she is rescued by link
by adlezbeautiful November 21, 2022
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An adventure game that you get owned in then any other game. But it can be fun until you get owned
That creature owned me in Zelda but i'll still play because i have nothing else better to do
by omnomnom!!11 June 3, 2009
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The short green nigga with pointy ears.
If Zelda is the green lad, then who is the princess?
by Decom September 29, 2019
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Zelda with 10 soldiers was rideing in the Negev sands
by dor ribak March 17, 2005
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That green clothed guy with the sword that stabs people
Damn, zelda is such a cool guy!
by RadFox December 4, 2017
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