A date where in one offers their time and energy to console a person experiencing trauma
Tim: I am experiencing trauma and I need your help.

Blake: How about a trauma date? I'll be right over with your favourite food and I would love to offer you my mindful attention without passing advice or judgement.
by Darkbydesire September 24, 2021
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any kind of unsatisfactory occurrence that may appear in the ghetto.
Getting mugged is an example of Ghetto-trauma
by KHAKHAKHA July 12, 2010
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Knit Trauma is the situation that obsessive knitters often find themselves in, when they already have several knitting projects on the go, yet feel the urge to go out and buy more knitting patterns, yarn, etc... They are then in a double-edged scenario: 'Do I begin my new project, or finish my haf-finished ones?'
Lady 1: "Oh no! What do I do?"
Lady2: "What's up?"
Lacy 1: "Suffering a severe Knit Trauma here!"
by Pearl Queen July 22, 2011
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A mom who hugs and comforts you when you get physically or emotionally hurt. trauma hug, hurt hug, trauma momma, handy mom, mom, mother, momma, trauma, hurt, injured, accident
Thank goodness when I was young, I had a trauma mama who took care of me after all of my skateboard accidents.
by joecoolthefool February 16, 2016
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When you’re hitting it doggystyle and you punch your girl in the back of the head, to the point of blackout causing brain trama
“Bro I think i gave my girl doggy trauma
by Bruh6267 April 2, 2020
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Describing the situation when a masturbating session is ruined by the camera changing to an undesirable view at the point of orgasm.
When watching heterosexual pornographic material, to suffer 'porn trauma' would be to reach the moment of ejaculation, only for the camera to pan to the man's ass or face, thereby ruining the orgasm.

by BrIDo88 April 17, 2009
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Injury or damage (often self-inflicted) to one's own body oriface (nose, vagina, anus, etc.) caused by the insertion and manipulation of one or more fingers (digits).
My massive nose bleed was caused by digital trauma.
Damn, could y'all trim your nails before y'all finger me? Now I gots digital trauma all up inside my vajayjay!
I managed to take care of my fecal impaction, but now I am suffering from digital trauma and my finger smells like shit!

by Ahswype June 17, 2007
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