1. Term of endearment for friends, stemming from the animal blue-footed booby.
2. Name for a crush.
1. Boobie, why didn't you call me?
2. Boobie #1 is looking hot today.
by Laura March 21, 2005
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Things you stare at on a girl.
1) Boobies!

2) Bob? Bob. BOB. BOB! Slap! (boobies)
by Fredddd January 24, 2008
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boobies are yummy :) :) :) :)
can I lick your boobies, becuzse they are yummy.
by madmax April 16, 2004
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It's not what you think... it's actually a bird. Yeah you could search it online if you want.
That's some nice boobies you have Margarret
by YeetYeet1738 December 30, 2016
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girls have em BUT THERE ALSO A BIRD!!!
Jeff: wow what are those birds called
Tim: boobies

Jeff: I love me some boobies
by bobsbutts November 7, 2022
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A variety of bees (Apis mellifera) that produce milk.
One has to approach very cautiously when attempting to extract milk from unfamiliar boobies.
by Ian December 7, 2004
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Know as the feature on the chest of women
when that women ran her boobies jiggled
by alex March 24, 2005
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