I stand all day on the block and flip bird's and ki's
by datbuffsucka July 28, 2005
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1.Most commonly used to describe a woman that one is aware of as being materially obsessed , and morally corrupt ,but never the less finds highly physically desirable for the moment.
2. Deroggatory form of Chick
"I dropped the bird off and then chirped out."-Ice Cube
"She ain't nuthin' but a bird."- guy on the 6 train
by Liz J June 16, 2006
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"One in every twelve Americans is unaware that the Bird is the word."
by JMAO November 7, 2008
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Bird is slang for penis, usually used in the northern U.S. or Canada. Coined by Bubbles.
Nobody likes getting caught with their bird out.
by Tduff May 29, 2008
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A Tactical Nuke in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Coined by Gamertag: iCampLikeAChamp after dropping his 50th Nuke.
I just got my twenty-fifth kill, as soon as I die I'm dropping the bird.
by duckhuntchamp April 14, 2010
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