a person always treating her friends like poor people
Stacey had movie tickets and she was flexing them to her friends
by UNKNOWNPOTATO!@#$%^&*( November 22, 2019
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Stacey is a slapper she just steals your friends, even your best friends, and begins to hate you. She is like the devil and won’t be sorry for it. The cow.
Girl 1: Look it’s Stacey

Girl 2: Ugh I cant believe she stole Jess the whore
by Lickmybaldhead777 August 6, 2018
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A complete +utter cunt.
she is in love with shaws.
ohaye big time!
she bums kloe.

+shes a complete hoe.

Stacey's also love fapping.

she's lovely really. :)
Matt -That girl is such a slag

Liam -She's such a stacey.
by im me. :D August 20, 2009
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A Stacy can be a slut. She is a bitch, an loyal bad friend and not a keeper. If you know a Stacey just a warning don’t get too close or things will go bad. If you have money and your at the shop she’ll tell you she has nothing too get you money but if tables a reversed Stacey will tell you that this is all she has and she needs it to buy this and make a dumb excuse. She is fake and acts loving and will get kind smart but nevi people wrapped around her pinky. My friend lost 3 friends for a Stacey and then things went ugly between them. She may be Smart but she was too nevi. Staceys are dumb, they try hard but they’ll cheat if they can. If you have one as a friend know that it’s just to get something out of you. She also steals alot.
stacey: hey can you lend me some money?

Friend: sure

Friend: hey Stacey I i don’t have any money can you lend me some?
Stacey: sorry this is all I have and I need it for the train and lunch, I’m really sorry.
*meanwhile Stacey gets picked up and has more then enough for lunch*

Friend: Stacey look I bought you this T-shirt

Stacey: omg nooo you shouldn’t have. I feel so bad you wasted money one me
Friend: no don’t be silly it’s not a waste, your so sweet, you deserve it for being grateful

*stacey just wants the gift and isn’t grateful*
by Psychic3Future March 25, 2020
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Dark looking nigga that can’t shut up about her her rice and ketchup jollof from Ghana that always obsesses over boys called bobby and billy . Also she can’t stop saying oyinbo’s
1:Look it’s a Stacey

2: oh her Yh she won’t stop saying I’m an oyinbo , it’s annoying!
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