The act of being the target of a virtual (or actual) sniper.
Sheesh! I was minding my own business almost drifting off to sleep in the staff meeting and I got sniped by Kelly. Out of nowhere she told the meeting about me sending her the photocopy of my butt cheeks last week.
by The Noam Gnome May 4, 2011
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The act of setting your eye on someone and working your game so you can go in for the pounce and get some play.
Ashley sniped that cute asian boy in the corner and ended up going home with him.
by mourningglory February 24, 2005
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When you take an awful snapchat of somebody and post it to your story.
Girl 1: *takes fugly picture of girl 2*
Girl 2: Um let me see that
Girl 1: Haha girl no *posts it to snap story*
Girl 2: *checks snapchat* OMG TAKE THAT OFF
Girl 1: Hell no hunny, you have been SNIPED
by fartney February 9, 2015
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Friend 1: "Hey, have you talked to Daniel lately?"
Friend 2: "Nah, but I heard Tim sniped his girl!"
by LifeWithKnowledge June 8, 2011
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n. a partially smoked cigarette that bums pull out of ashtrays.
I saw some bum scavaging snipes from the ashtray in front of the library.
by anonymous January 16, 2004
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1. The act of ejaculating with the intent of gaining maximum distance, velocity, or accuracy.

2. Used to describe techniques, practices, exercises, or anything involved with sniping.
My sniping has really improved, I just sniped 7 feet from kneeling position !
by AcWallace June 10, 2010
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When a person who is rather annoying,irritating, aggravating or disguisting, always seems to find you no matter where you are.
Friend 1:"Hey man, what's up?"
Friend 2:"Nothing just chillin'?"
(Annoying friend walks in)
Annoying Friend: "WHAT'S UP GUYS!!"
Friend 1:"Fuck!...we got sniped!"
by ladyking14 February 24, 2011
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