any gyal hu tinks she tops cuz bare manz had her sukin on deir tingz.
shina gyals and hos
lisa...white gyals wana be blacks wiggers

dats any gal man she a sket
dont drop t
by i aint tellin u September 30, 2003
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A sket is a word for a bitch who is more sluttier than a whore. A sket will have sex for anything...e.g.. money,drugs.
Skets giv out free blowjobs....&&.....are fucCin filled up wiff HiV/Aids....
dhass why dheyy asss''s hav free mu-fukin sex......
Nabelah Ahmed sket
Slapper sket
Slag sket
Ho' Bag
Cheap Prosstitute
Puzzy Asz Hoez
Dirty HIV Gurl/Boy
by L-dizzle baebee January 6, 2009
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SKET- A dirty whore, who doesn't bath and smells and sleeps around with your mother and your brother and your sister and your friend ohhhh yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
person 1- ' Sue wot u up to tonite?'
person 2- 'Just having sex with your mother, brother, sister and your friend'
person 1 - ' Oh yeahhhh! :) you sket'
by bombs123 June 20, 2010
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The sluttiest of all sluts, tries to be seductive and sexy at all costs, will steal anyone’s man and probably has!
Omg that bitch is such a sket!”
by Omgidontneedto October 30, 2017
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A dirty, unclean woman who cannot keep her legs closed and runs around chasing any guy in sight.
For e.g. "A dirty Sket named Rebecca who cannot keep her legs closed with her non existing cups popping out and her trashy bs"
by DaddySkye September 16, 2017
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