A common form of distributed system in which software is split between server tasks and client tasks. A client sends requests to a server, according to some protocol, asking for information or action, and the server responds.

This is analogous to a customer (client) who sends an order (request) on an order form to a supplier (server) who despatches the goods and an invoice (response). The order form and invoice are part of the "protocol" used to communicate in this case.

There may be either one centralised server or several distributed ones. This model allows clients and servers to be placed independently on nodes in a network, possibly on different hardware and operating systems appropriate to their function, e.g. fast server/cheap client.

Examples are the name-server/name-resolver relationship in DNS, the file-server/file-client relationship in NFS and the screen server/client application split in the X Window System.
There is no example sentence for this term.
by illEATurHARTout April 12, 2004
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A place on the interwebs in which one must obey the teaching of lord lil pump and must retain from using profanity or one will face recently decided punishments.
Micheal- “This game is fricking poop”

Dylan- “No swearing on lord pump’s Christian Server. Er no go and have a bath” *kicks Micheal*
by Urmumhasgae February 23, 2018
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A server that has been abandoned, and nobody is on except you. Commonly seen in older games that were the first to get online such as Dues Ex, Halo, Doom. On a Dead Server, you feel lonely.
Man, I went to play Dues Ex online on my old computer, but all I saw were Dead Servers.
by Further Intel February 1, 2009
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A Web Server is a computer on the World Wide Web (connected to the Internet Backbone) that stores HTML documents that can be retrieved via a Web browser.
by Jak Dude May 6, 2005
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An administrator on an online game, who can do administrative things, like ban, tempban, mute, kick, freeze, jail, teleport any player. The role of an server admin(istrator) is to keep the server clean and safe for evrybody who is playing on it, punishing anybody who is doing things against the server rules, so it's usually has the overall control of the server.
In the most situation, server admin's username is highlighted or colored (usually in red or gold).

Sometimes an admin can be good with other server staff and players, but bad with some players (this is a special and probably rare case, and it may not happen on any server; this situation is usually found on servers with a lot of staff).
Player: how to do thing?
Server Admin: you have to do things...
Player: vulgar language.
* Server Admin has muted Player for 10 minutes, reason: vulgar language.
by RetardWolf July 27, 2017
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one the most goated servers on the platform, you should join the server and boost (you'll get bitches)
no bitches male: "bro shinigami server is mid"
bitch puller male from shinigami server: *slaps him* "join today discord.gg/gami"
by ghosted1400 March 29, 2022
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