When you eat others food and do not return the favour
Blake is a scab he eats all the chips and never pays for them
by Leftover nudes July 24, 2017
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to get a burn on your thumb as a result of holding the roach for a few extra hits.
here, you hold it; i hate getting scabbed from these blunt roaches
by KnoboDy November 26, 2007
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Referring to a player that played during the 1992-93 strikes and disputes of the MLB. Many players were involved with this, including Dennis Gonzalves. PLayers who struck during this area were referred to as SCAB's, and are ofter looked down upon.
He's a SCAB, I hate him, he's a nigger.
by S_Bert October 10, 2006
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We need to stop referring to non-union members as scabs if we want them to join.
by Denny April 21, 2003
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a name representing that of the menstrual period of a female
Q:"Did you guys bone down last night?"
A:"Nah, we couldn't do it. My girl's got the scabs."
by juice puppy September 14, 2004
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Nasty guy or chick that has been following you around the bar all night. You just want to pick them off
by Dish T October 8, 2003
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Stands for Scavenger Crab-Ass Bitch. A Scab is someone that tries to mooch off your bottle(s) and slither their way into your VIP section while presenting a host of compliments and/or trying to gain your friendship initiating a meaningless conversation thinking it will get them past security and the velvet rope. They linger around hoping to get an invite into the section to partake in the spirits, thus being a scavenger.
After receiving our bottles, I noticed a Scab lingering around trying to dance and compliment their way into my section.
by The Empress Aries June 11, 2017
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