Term used in place of sandwiches by people lacking enough brain cells to fully process and comprehend the concept of sandwiches, or lacking enough teeth (or jawbone, tongue, etc.) to properly pronounce "sandwiches," or lacking the literacy required to have ever seen (and understood) the written word "sandwiches" and thus lacking the required knowledge to properly say and pronounce the word sandwiches. Sometimes this speech impediment can be caused by not having (lacking) had food in a long enough period of time to cause excessive hunger, starvation, malnutrition to such an extreme the subject can't physically think and speak properly, and is in such desperation as to be emotionally too excited at the prospect of being about to eat some sandwiches to slow down and properly say sandwiches, and just blurt out "gimme sum 'dem big- ole sammiches...
The infamous mad scientist spelunking cave explorer extrordinaire Sir Bok McFitzgerald the 7th, was found alive and well this morning after a cave collapse had trapped him 20 feet below the surface for 3 hours in a guano cave just outside of Dickey, North Dakota. The scientist was obviously too traumatized by the event for comment as he was pulled out of the cave on a stretcher by local search and rescue paramedics. But he was seen pulling off his oxygen mask long enough to utter one strangled word, that being "Sammiches...," before his eyes rolled back in his head and convulsions resumed appearantly from an allergic reaction to ingesting guano. This made the 6 o'clock news complete with "film at eleven" in Dickey, North Dakota, where Sir Bok is a hero of some reknown, having an honorary "certificate of merit" in exploration for once getting his head stuck in a storm drain after announcing "I think I see a quarter!" His fellow high school alumni took pity on what could prove to be their village idiot and dubbed him an "explorer."
by ampudroid September 2, 2007
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n. (origin LOLcat) something made by a woman for her man if she knows whats good for her. Must contain one or more meats,and none of that foo foo vegi crap (except maybe lettuce for the crunch-but bacon can easily substitute lettuce in a pinch). And don't forget the freaking mayonnaise this time!
"Woman get in the kitchen and make me a sammich"
by chimeratear March 27, 2010
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A word used when you've created a great sandwich. It's very rare to create such a sandwich because its ingredients are rare. Thus it must be deemed, "Sammich".
I just used some expensive left over ingredients to create the greatest sammich in the world! *mwah ha ha*
by Melodious6 July 3, 2018
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1. What men call sandwiches when they demand one from a woman
2. A sandwich so good that you have to say it fast so you can get back to eating it
3. What women should be preparing
"WOMAN MAKE ME A SAMMICH!"- Theodore Roosevelt

"I love sammiches, make more woman."- Plato

"Why aren't the women in the kitchen making sammiches?
"- Mahatma Ghandi

"I think therefore I am. I think you should make me a sammmich therefore I am gong to get one woman!"- Rene Descartes
by DR. Ush April 27, 2010
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An extremely delicious sandwich prepared for a man by his woman, either waiting for him on the table when he gets home from work or delivered to him while he is relaxing on the couch.
I'ma have to choke a bitch if my sammich ain't ready when I get home.

Hey, why don't you take a break from blowing me for a minute and go make me a sammich, babe.
by AbomB320 August 2, 2010
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A delicious feast between two slices of bread, most preferably made by a woman.
Woman! Get in the kitchen and make me a sammich!
by mble May 13, 2010
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