n. a member of the world wide rugby rebels community - coined as a cross between "rebel" and "reveller" or (US) "reveler". A celebrant who shares in the rugbyrebels.com message board.
UKHamlet is a rebeller.
by UKHamlet September 10, 2007
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Those rebels sure are awesome!
by andrea March 19, 2005
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The exact opposite of who anyone with the name "Caylen" is
Jonathan: "wow, that chick is such a rebel!"

Mark: "No she's not her name's Caylen"

Jonathan: "Oops my bad, she seemed like a bamf"

Mark: "but she can't be, cause her name's caylen"

Jonathan: "Dude shut up I get it already"
by awesomeperson93 October 25, 2010
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Someone who sits in call work, no matter how many are in the queue.
That Jo is such a rebel!
by Wordsmith5000 March 12, 2014
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People who stay up till 6:53 am
Person 1: omg she’s such a rebel!
Person 2: how do you know?
Person 1: she stays up till 6:53 am.
by Definitiondoc.com April 12, 2018
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A fuckin whore who shags sheep a crappy drver, shit shooter and and a WHORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only messin
stop being rebeleous
by Tarty Farty aka whore,slag January 15, 2004
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Someone who conforms to being a non-conformist.

They probably wear ripped jeans, have peirced eyebrows and get trashed, and may also do things like illicite drugs, underage sex, swear at teachers, skip detention, wag school, walk out of class and all in an extreemly lame attempt to look cool.
Oh hell yeah I'm such a rebel, I wear ripped jeans and get trashed!! There's SOOOOOO nobody else around who'd do that!!!
by baby_in_black December 13, 2005
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