A cool guy who like's to have fun in a relaxed manner.

usually has a good sense of humor.

Often recieves static from non pot-head girlfriend, if Girlfriend enjoys pot too they usually get along just fine.

If Girlfriend is an addict of any other drug they usually dont get along and fight a lot.
"My Pot-head Boyfriend is so funny"
"I don't mind having a Pot-head Boyfriend"
"Tweeker Girlfriend and Pot-Head boyfriend do not mix"
by Laughs@Stupidity December 10, 2011
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Myrtle Ogugua Ossai!
UGH Idiot u ruined my life u pothead
by Ruben March 13, 2005
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an extremely short afro type hair-do usually unkempt
She modeled her pepper pot head coif with sublime confidence
by ron n April 21, 2017
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Someone whom is running around with a flower pot on their head
Student- Hey Teacher?
Teacher- Yes?
Student- Do you have any pots?
Teacher- Uhh no?
Student- Damnit I wanted to be a pot head
<Three weeks later student is found dead after running infront of a car with a pot on his head>
by smrterthanuwilleverbe March 8, 2021
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Teacher; weed is bad don’t be a pot head!
Caleb; takes a hit of weed what did you say?
by Patrick the yeeter November 11, 2019
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