1. The love of knowledge. Also associated with argumentation and reasoning. Usually mentioned when talking about the ancient philosophers, such as Plato and Socrates.

2. A typically useless major in college, unless you want to get a Ph.D. in it or go to law school.
I majored in philosophy in college, and now I clean toilets for a living.

P and not P? That is a paradox.
by Smooth B May 5, 2004
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The study of processes through which the different natures of reality are comprehended, often working from priori principles. Unlike science which is organised knowledge, philosophy is organised study of the means through which knowledge is derived.
Student: I can calculate how long it will take for this car to reach the ramp’s end based on earth surface conditions and calculus.
Oddities: yes, but through what means have you derived such postulates? Secondly, whatever observations are then made shall only be comprehend due to the chemistry of your brain piecing together a substitute for the transcendental reality.
Student: I think it’s better if we don’t think about that shit.
by Fromadripunderpressure February 2, 2019
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Hey all you fuckin hippies:

Contemplate that!


by Think About It.... May 5, 2005
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what retarded homosexuals jackk off to while playing in their own secretions and beans
yeah that's right you drooling tard lacs
by sick fucks February 17, 2005
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The reason for wars and pain and death in the world.
nothing else to say really
by stoner April 7, 2005
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totally uninformitave vacuous bullshit adored by the pompous and arrogant for it's shallowness and transparency and lack of substance
the retarded masturbating hippies hallucinated and wrote their words down to form the latest stupid philosophy and then the pompous racist rich people all read it while eating their Grey Poupon and were quite impressed by it because they are shallow arrogant asshole morons who are into that kind of fake shit
by Bobzilla June 3, 2005
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A counter-productive, meditative manner of thinking often exerted by those under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs.
"Hey Nigel, what's up man!?!?"

"Dude, leave him alone, he's being philosophical right now..."

"Man, he must be trippin' balls!"

by cheeze097809743 July 27, 2009
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