An unusually difficult pile of jank kaizo in Mario Maker made by pacmanboss.
God damn it! Another pacman level? There goes my afternoon
by Pacmanboss256 March 20, 2019
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An ignorant ass motherfucker who was a starting cornerback in the NFL for the Tennesse Titans. Suspended by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in 2006 after more than 10 arrests across several states. His most notable offense was "making it rain" in a strip club by emptying more than $30,000 from 40 gallon trashbags and then requesting the money back. The incident caused a riot in the strip clud which led Jones' nontourage to fire guns, hitting one of the security guards in the chest, severing his spine and rendering him permanently disbaled.
Pacman Jones is the filth scum of the earth who does not deserve reinstatement into the NFL ever.
by Michael J. Waldren April 18, 2008
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to drive in the center of the road so that the dashed lines go under the center of the car, resembling PacMan wakka-wakka-ing up those dots in the game.
Steve: 'Tony, you're totally PacMan-ing right now'

Tony: 'Shit!'
by uhhhhhme January 28, 2010
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a person usually a female that is playing games and playing hard to get, just like the game.
That girl got you playing ms pacman and your losing.
by Annoymousdode January 6, 2009
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Two birds bumping uglies, clashing V's etc
"Dude, I heard Sara and Rachel having a pacman domestic last night"
by rhys_davies February 21, 2009
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Instead of loved one's chasing another you sometimes run into pacman love only one person chasing after the other for affection,attention, a relationship...whatever it might be

If your fed up with chasing after someone who isnt chasing after you, your new motto should be NO MORE PACMAN LOVE!
Your the blue thingy chasing after pacman.. your the male or female chasing after the opposite sex this is called PACMAN LOVE
by MIsS_MeLlY August 7, 2009
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when a girl chomps a little bit of a guy's d*ck
Dude, Elianna is going to go pacman style on Vince. I forsee it
by chowmeinthe4th April 26, 2010
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