Lissa: “Ratnaldo is a rat

Go check out the definition of facts by lissandstellacuzwedabest.
by LissandStellacuzwedabest December 17, 2018
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The act of chatting to women in a feeble attempt to secure some action.

Commonly used by "lads" whenever a mate talks to a member of the opposite sex, in order to ridicule the mate as a form of banter.

A lad who is notorious for his ratting antics is known as a "Serial Rat."
Adam: "Hey Fliss"
Fliss: "Hey Adam,"
by June 21, 2010
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Something that is rubbish or displeasing, or a person or object that is physically revolting.

'This party is rats'.

'That girl's hair is rats'.

'Your shirt is rats'.

by Clifton1 April 15, 2009
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1. Cheating girlfriend/boyfriend
2. Small furry mammal, often considered dirty and flea-ridden, but still kept as pets.
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A shortened version of the name Ratthew; first originated during the great meme epidemic of 2012.
Person: Hey Rat! What's up?
Ratthew: Nothing much, what about you?
by Chad_UwU June 14, 2019
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Relationship Assuring Text. RAT's are SMS messages sent to convey approval of or delight in a previous social encounter with an individual of undefined relationship status with the sender. A RAT is most commonly employed after a first date where one or both parties are unsure about the perceived success of the other party. Such dates are often seen as "Awkward dates" by third parties. An exchange of RAT's sent the evening after a first date almost ensure a second date, effectively breaking the ice for more casual conversation.

The effectiveness of "Morning RAT's" (RAT's sent the morning after a first date) are hotly debated because they are believed by some to close the deal, but can also be seen as a red flag.
Guy 1: I wasn't sure how dinner with Daniele went, but she sent me this text afterward: "I had so much fun at dinner! Thanks so much!!! :)"

Guy 2: Dude! with a RAT like that, you're golden!
by Its a thing December 6, 2012
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A word annoying teenage boys use when describing a person in attempt to make fun of them. What they don't realize is by saying it they are making more of a fool out of themselves then who it is directed towards.
by exterminator . May 10, 2009
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