A phrase used by a person who likes to eat shit, to some extent knows that eating shit is bad for them, but doesn't acknowledge that fact and therefore dismiss it.

It can be seen as a modern analogy to Plato's cave.
Example (à la Patrick's wallet meme):

PC user: You know that the baseline Mac Pro costs 5 times as much money than a similarly-spec'd windows based machine, right?

Apple user: Yup.

PC user: And you know that you can custom build your own PC, right?

Apple user: Yup.

PC user: And even get a similar Mac Pro computer case?

Apple user: Yup.

PC user: And configure it to run Mac OS?

Apple user: Yup.

PC user: Then why did you buy the Mac Pro?!?!??

Apple user: Cus I reject your reality and substitute my own.

PC user: *facepalm*
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a one liner comeback that basically means that you're right and the other person is wrong. the 'realities' being the varying opinions in the argument/conversation

i reject your reality and substitute it with my own (i refuse to accept that you are right so i will change your point to mine)
teacher: i told you yesterday what the homework was. why isnt it done
student: you didnt tell me, therefore i do not know
teacher: why has everyone else done it then?
student: i reject your reality and substitute it with my own ;)
teacher: /mindfuck
by llamasareoverrated August 10, 2011
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A very good phrase to use when you dont want to do something
Person one: Hey will you go out with me?

Person two: Ummm well to be quite honest with you i would rather eat my own toe!
by Tom Griffiths February 24, 2008
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When you are that busy, that you don't even have time to look down when you are having a shit because you are too focused on something, you have to take it into the bathroom with you and use the toilet as a temporary office
Extreme measures involve having to wipe without even checking the state of the tissue before flushing it.
'I had that many emails coming through that I had to reply to, I didn't even have time to look at my own arse when I shit.'
by Davethefan July 17, 2015
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The Signature Phrase for any 11-12 year old in an attempt to try to flex what they don't have. These kids are mostly on xbox and/or minecraft
Man:*Winning against child*
Kid: Your a hacker, my dad owns microsoft
by THICCBOU March 27, 2018
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A sentence for use when you believe that someone else's life is nowhere near as accomplished as yours is.
Les Paul: "I'm just walking down the street, talking out loud."

Les Paul: "Oh look, someone less fortunate than me."

(to the less fortunate person)

Les Paul: "The world is lame as I stand in as my own."

(the less fortunate person is inspired and gets a job)
by Maaatt November 21, 2007
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a very popular quote on a game called Roblox. It is usually used when Roblox people are arguing.
Robloxian 1: HAHA you have no robux noob
Robloxian 2: My dad owns roblox
by SmartLugia July 1, 2020
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