The care received by Donald Trump at Walter Reed hospital, for his infection with COVID-19, which he had declared a hoax, following years of sneering at socialized medicine.
We will never let socialized medicine destroy American health care” said Trump.
by Monkey's Dad October 7, 2020
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Administered to ladies by a man. Suitable for all ailments. Comes in a one-shot pump dispenser.
Lady "Not tonight Reginald, I have a headache"
Man "Not to worry dear, have some special medicine ... " zip ... BOING
by Captain Zap September 29, 2003
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Feeling bleary and gross from the side-effects of prescription medications that doctors aggressively pour down your throat.
I keep spacing out at work because I've got medicine head from these new blood-pressure pills I'm taking.
by diabetesboy67 January 22, 2012
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God's Medicine is reffered by Hindus when talking about Ganja (sanskrit for cannibus). It is used by many Hindu sages and even avatars of Vishnu such as Buddha who ate cannibus plants for weeks and weeks before becoming englightened.
Hindu: I want to do deep meditation , I need God's Medicine.

person: Oh nice dude thats a kickass religion you have.
by Scarlett Ninja November 25, 2009
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A term for weed, cannabis, ganja. Marley's Medicine is not only a way of describing marijuana; its a powerful healing herb.
Bob Marley should not be remembered solely for his drug habits, but for his music as well.
Marley's watching over us.
My head is killing me! If I only had some of Marley's Medicine right now...

Man, come hit this J of Marley's Medicine with me.
by Sarah Winkler February 10, 2009
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My woman wasn't feeling well so I did some healing with my Medicine Bag.
by THE SASSIFIER June 15, 2016
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I've got 50 bucks in my wallet, I'm gonna head down to the store and get me a handle of some of that snake medicine
by Snake Medicine January 8, 2017
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