There seems to be some genuinely interesting and funny stuff on your definitions. But the heat sink joke is just that - everyone knows the G4 is more efficient, cooler and draws less power. Anyway, get a fucking life and pick a word that doesn't show how retarded you really are! Are you really that obsessed with a platform that has less than %15 of the market? Talk about an inferiority complex. I know for a fact that I hate PCs more than you hate Macs, but I only reveal that fact to prove a point.

Get a life.

32 bit patch for a
16 bit graphical shell for an
8 bit operating system originally for a
4 bit processor by a
2 bit company that can't stand
1 bit of competition.

And windoze sure as hell doesn't have ANY of these:
Protected memory
Symmetric multiprocessing
Preemptive multitasking

OS X has 'em all.


Now that my 5 minute rant is over, you can return to your meaningless existence of 24/7 Mac bashing. One thing for your side: the new iMac color schemes does turn my stomach, but that doesn't make me like my dual 533 G4 any less.
by WTF?!?!?! May 7, 2003
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The short way to say an Apple Macintosh Computer. Considerably the best and easiest to use computer on the planet.
It would be better to buy a Mac over a PC when in need of a new computer
by JohnB1993 May 27, 2008
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Something that is not politically correct (PC).

From the idea that a Microsoft/IBM/Windows personal computer (PC) and an Apple Macintosh (Mac) are opposites.
Those old Looney Tunes WWII propaganda cartoons are so un-PC they're a Mac.
by Zebidee55 July 12, 2009
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A computer that can be compared to wanking with your left hand... You can get the job done, but it does take longer than expected, and doesn't feel as satisfying at the end.
Holy crap - everything you do on this Mac can be done on a PC. You cant do 3-D work. And even though it looks smooth, on closer inspection this is badly designed... I thought this was the wireless generation, look at the number of cords! And it seems strange but they are going to be using an intel chip from a PC..... Ha.....
by L.M.B//REP March 22, 2006
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Computers that not only are better than PCs for graphical editing (it pains me as a PC user to say that), but also doubles as a very nice fishtank!
I just turned my friend's burned out iMac into a very nice fishtank!
by Viros June 29, 2003
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A computer created by a company known for masscreating bullshit like the mac os, iPhone, iTunes, etc. Their most famous product is a Mac because retarded people need computers too. Driving a tricycle is easy, but most people prefer to use a car.
Shopkeeper: "If your IQ is higher than 60, buy a PC.
If your IQ is below that of a simian covered in dog shit , I suggest you use a mac."
by PCuser June 21, 2010
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The most fucked up and retarded piece of shit out there. Short for Macintosh. I think it was supposed to be a computer, but they accidentally used a pile of shit instead. Probably made by the same poor deprived children who made your shoes. With the same materials. Also the 'computer' that my school system uses. Blech.
Billie McRetard: DUDE i just bot me a new mac and it rocks so much u all sux i hate u stupid loozers haha you use a real compooter but im 2 fucking dumb to no the diferents.

Joe McNotAnIdiot: Stop talking before I shoot you.
by Joe McNotAnIdiot March 7, 2005
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