a fine malt beverage capturing the essence of thug life. specifically brewed for the consumption of true G's. one of these drinks can cause one to concoct words not known in the English dictionary. warning not meant for the consumption of pregnant bezzies due to the risk of birth defects, such as giving birth to sasquatch like creatures.
damn bud.....................u had 2 four loko's!?.......................u ma hero bud
by omie the homie April 11, 2010
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Four loko is a 23.5 oz "alcopop" that is 12% abv, that is
1. Guaranteed to get you drunk
2. Guaranteed to prevent your drunk ass from falling asleep
I was up all night drinkin' that four loko.
by schlingalang April 25, 2010
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Joe: Dude, what the hell happened to you last night?
George: I drank a Four Loko and..
Joe: 'Nuff said.
by MorningAfter August 18, 2010
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5 hour energy, any 4loko flavor of juice (grape, fruit punch, etc.) and vodka.
Due to the recent ban on 4lokos, 5 loko has been gaining popularity in the 425 area.
by Jbay8 November 27, 2010
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A beverage made from mixing an energy drink and alcohol. Popular at nightclubs that play bootie-themed hip hop or house music. Also popular with binge drinking sorority and fraternity members. A spin on the now-infamous and banned Four Loko drink.
I hear there's a punch bowl full of Poor Loko over at the Lambda Lambda Lambda party tonight. Let's get wasted bro!
by mojoroum November 19, 2010
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the most amazing malt liquor with a high alcoholic percentage. just one gets you fucked up no matter your size. want to get extra fucked up? drink two. but you might throw up. you'll already do stupid shit and be drunk as fawk on just one. punch flavour is alright, I like watermelon better. some people can't stand watermelon. there's other flavours too.
"hey, angela, you wanna let's hit up the spur stop again this friday night and get some four lokos?!"

"hell yeah! I love four loko so fucking much! I'm gonna get two!!"

"angela just one will fuck you up. please do not throw up in my car again."

"oh i know. i'm drinking one tonight and hiding the other in my room so i can drink when i'm bored...."
by gitCRUNK October 16, 2009
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Malt liquor that contains 11% alcohol and caffine, along with a mix of other shit. One 24oz. will most likely get you fuckin' shit-canned. One is all you need. It can get you just as fucked up, if not more, as a few shots of tequila.
Can come in various flavors like Fruit Punch and Orange. May taste like acetone. I know mine did.
I thought I was dying after one can of Four Loko.
by Wasabimoto August 27, 2009
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