A beautiful woman whose extremely funny and weird but has a hard time on settling down with someone she always wants someone new, but there's always that one person she'll come back to
by Caitlinskye September 12, 2016
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Kyla is nice but also gets really anger when needed. She is super thick. Kyla is often overlooked by other girls though. She is always the second choice. Kyla is the girl everyone wants to be friends with and nobody wants to get on her bad side. Kyla's also make great bestfriends.
Have you met the new girl Kyla.
Yea, she is so nice. I'm hoping to hang out with her again soon.
by kyla_breh October 27, 2019
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Kyla is the name of someone i love
by wolfy1334 July 31, 2019
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The absolute most perfect girl you will ever lay eyes on, always kind and caring. She’s gorgeous and beautiful and will put a smile on your face every time you look at her. As soon as you set your eyes on her you will fall in love forever.
I’m so lucky to be dating Kyla
by ————— July 9, 2019
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She is a very social person and gets along with many people. she is an amazing person and an even better friend. she is the most beautiful, loyal and smart person I know.
person 1: who is that person smiling over there
Person 2: that is Kyla
by 12:) June 22, 2019
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{Kyla} is a {shy girl} when she wants to be and a {badass} when she wants to be.{Kyla} has {lots of friends} but keeps a {small circle.{Kyla} gets {good grades} and sometimes{bad} ones too.{Kyla} has a {dark past} but still keeps on a {fake smile} everday to {hide the pain}.
P1: {Kyla} is ugly
P2: Shes My {friend} Though, Wanna fight

P3: Shes hidding something
P1: {Kyla} has a {dark past}
by TheyEnvyLaky January 4, 2019
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Kyla is a special bean, she tends to be paranoid and overthinks things. She has lovely brown eyes and an irresistible body. She is the loveliest person I know. And I will love her for a very long time.
by Koolkatking April 12, 2019
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