To be a beast at pretty much everything especially cooking,sports and relationships.
Wow, I wish i was a kiki rite now.
by theillestrillest October 1, 2009
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The strongest person you’ll ever meet! You can’t help but admire them for their confidence, brutal honesty, humor and legit advice. They deserve everything good this world has to offer while also putting so much in the world and in the life of others as well.

They’re pretty persistent, stubborn and will never sugarcoat. But, at the end of the day, that just makes you love them even more. Short-tempered, ambitious, competitive, strong-willed, goal chaser and a pretty awesome artist.

Very talented musician and a huge scope for the imagination. They’re not one to put themselves into drama, they simple don’t care and have better things to do. They do love a good story coming from others though. Mostly to laugh at their stupidity.

They really deserve to be appreciated, loved and cared for. Even though they hate sappy stuff, i know they appreciate it deep down. And should try to accept that rather than dealing with everything on their own. They’re pretty strong as it is, but letting people in just makes a person even more the fearless and supported.

They’re one of the coolest people i’ve ever met! Endless teasing will come from them but you’ll learn to get used to it and ultimately tease them back. It’s easy loving them and the little things from them really make all the difference.

Careful not to boost their ego cause that thing is already overflowing. Though, i think this whole paragraph did the exact opposite. Do i regret it? Nope.
Eva: Yo, i heard someone beat a bitch up for talking shit about us.

Theo: Fr? 100$ it was Kiki.
Eva: Guess i owe you 100$.
by a supposed nerd September 10, 2021
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a high pitched girl, normaly wearing bows. most likely to clap when excited.
i saw a kiki in the hallway wearing a bow.
by kendell10 October 30, 2007
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Another word for 'legend'.
A compliment to a male who deserves gratitude, and looks in great shape.
"You deserve to be called Kiki for the day"

"You have been legendary today. This is your kiki day"
by Sexual Kiki October 10, 2005
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When two drag queens have sex with each other.
Lady B. was so drunk last night she and Flotilla almost had a kiki, but Bunny passed out before she could suck Flotilla off.
by mr mayonaisse July 14, 2012
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Another word for Parkers girl. Kiki can be seen smiling a lot when she thinks of THAT ONE man who makes her universe revolve.
unless you are Parker you have no chance at all.
Kiki's whole face lights up when Parker is in the room.
by PansyLuck May 27, 2013
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Is a very beautiful girl.Kiki is nice and likes to have company.She is friends with everyone.Its hard not to be her friend
Kiki is a big help
by Blue_Mark26 June 23, 2018
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