/noun/ a very sweet and smart dog, she loves chicken and fish so much.
example : Kei will excitedly wag her tail when she saw you coming from the door.
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That's Key

Thats Key. An Australian term used to describe a Call of Duty Session. We are a special race that is also determined by the word "Sloth or Toad". When there is a special night of COD it can also be named a "Keygasm" You could also be Keygasmic at any point in time.

Now, This page is Key.
Della, Lindsey, Sperma, Jake and Joe - Sloth Galore
But Allerton is clearly the most key of all
That's Key, Im frothin key as i have a keygasmic cod sesh, oh so key
Friday night of Call of Duty - Now, THATS KEY!!! My toads and sloths are gathering for a Keygasmic session. ahhh That's Key
by sperma toadle August 16, 2010
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means killogram. rappas use it when usually referring to coke. since coke is pretty expensice and valuable meassurements are important that why my keys is so important
Biggy "if it wasnt for the rap game/ id probably have a key knee deep in the crack game"
by PISA December 2, 2004
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A direct replacement of the term "based" after the community on 4chan related discord servers was tired of minorities and normies using the word "based", and after finding out the word was originally coined by a black man. Means exactly the same as "based". The opposite of "Keyed" is "Locked"
Person A: I was playing some ps1 the other day
Loser: keyed
Person A: Shut the fuck up
by ShoshAhSheli January 5, 2021
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Musician slang for a keyboard instrument, such as a piano, synthesizer or organ.
Who plays the keys for your band?

Is John going to play keys today?
by Foxtear August 31, 2010
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Short form of whisk(e)y taken from the last 3 letters.
"I'll have a 'key and coke"
by maxsexy July 31, 2009
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Hey man that shits good let me get another key.
by mr. nice guy February 17, 2005
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