The Prick Index is a metaphor for the thorn of a rose. The levels of pricking are described as the amount of pain (number of thorns) we endure in different relationships from both men and women! The levels are arranged from one to ten, ten being the most severe pain and damage caused as illustrated in the trademarked book called “The Prick Index” created by Charlie Mercier and Janis Skye.
Sponging Sam ~ prick index~ # 3
Charismatic and seductive, Sam sucks the life out of you! Financially and emotionally! He's a professional moocher. Have you met a Sponging Prick? Come read The PRICK Index and find out!

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A measure of the number of Dufi currently on the road with you.

On a freeway, the Dufi Index is defined as 100 minus your current average speed. The higher the number, the slower you go.
Man! The Dufi Index is high today! Traffic is congested because of the large number of dufi on the road.
by Joel Corley April 30, 2008
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The approximate distance that a man can through a foreskin after it has been removed
“Then a stranger ,with an ape index of over 60 feet, grabbed my newly shedded flab, and hurled it east.”
by BigRiceEater June 16, 2019
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How frustrating a given situation or time-period is, as measured by the number of times one facepalms during said situation.

Can be abbreviated as "FPI."
"Dude, you were on the support line with that user for like two hours!"

"Yeah, he wasn't too bright. Facepalm index: 17."
by timdub June 12, 2012
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a cock/dick which doesn't get hard erection
Amanda's boyfriend has a soft index .
by Toughguyy December 12, 2007
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A measurement of the time until a carton or bottle of milk will expire. Can be abbreviated to TMI. TMI is often used as a time frame for other events in life, it is an easy way to recognize that time has, is, and will continue to progress.
1) John said, "The Milk Index is high today, honey. No need to go to the supermarket."
2) As Melissa went to the fridge to get a pudding cup, Shaun yelled at her, "Hey Mel, check out TMI and tell me what you think we should throw it out!"
3) Two weeks before coming home from abroad, Michelle said, "I cant believe TMI is going to hit zero after I am back in the US!"
by The Milk Expert May 15, 2011
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An investing method that mirrors the stonk choices of your dumbest friend. Typically this friend has the best returns in the friend group
Seems like a bad buy, but the Chewbacca index is really high and Brian doubled his money last month.
by Awesome Possum 83 April 23, 2022
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