The male penis. To be used in like context as one eyed snake

Rene is so down for the legless iguana.


Dude that girl is a fiend for the legless iguana
by Broni April 22, 2008
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When a man bites a woman with a scaly neck during sex to insure that she can't wiggle free. Iguana style is often violent and can lead to bleeding. Ensure that the woman's neck is indeed scaly--older women preferable--before attempting or else it is not truly iguana style.
So, after that we won't home and did it iguana style--what's that? Yeah she's kind of freaky that way.
by Anonymous71488 December 2, 2007
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The milk coming from an iguana.

The liquid coming from an iguana's eyes when stabbed from a needle.

A gallon of milk from goosecreek in Denton.
I want some iguana milk and some Twixx.
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The act of getting a sunburn on ones penis, then fucking a girl until your skin peels off inside of her vagina. Then the man acts like an iguana and licks the peeled skin out of the woman.
Mike gave me such a good Peeling Iguana last night. I've never felt so exotic.
by ydocletram June 1, 2010
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Square Iguana or Square Iguana's is a term to describe Marijuana when you don't want to say Marijuana or Weed.
Hey man Im looking for some Square Iguana. Know where I can find any?

Hey man I got them Square Iguana's!
by Merly Black Hands September 5, 2020
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A person who has a big round smexy ass
"Hot damn she has an iguana ass!"
by Staroidz February 9, 2018
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The unexperienced folk's way of saying marijuana.
Suzy asked Kieth if he wanted to do smoke some cannabis after school. Kieth replied "No way dude! Marry iguana will ruin your brain!"
by Hue-Two February 1, 2018
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